and how we got started


Shekijah, which is interpreted in the Hebrew tongue "God dwells here", is an anointed, prophetic ministry of baptized believers in the Lord Jesus, who is eternally the Christ of God! When you are in the Lynchburg, VA area, we hope that you will consider joining us and being a part of one of the most spirited and anointed worship experiences on this side of Heaven! Whether you're a first time visitor, or you are a faithful member, our aim is to make sure that when you enter into the building you will know, without a doubt, that the presence of God is speaking to you and He is saying, “Welcome Home...!!!


Shekijah was officially birthed (launched) on May 31st, 1987 and is looking forward to celebrating its 37th Church Anniversary this year. In 1996, Bishop Sykes and the members of Shekijah broke ground on their brand new edifice and in October of that same year, God graced them to move in to their 500-seat sanctuary, complete with administrative offices, classrooms, and full kitchen and sizable fellowship hall. Since that time, we have built and attached a new fellowship hall, officially called the BTMS VICTORY FELLOWSHIP HALL in honor of the founder/Sr. Pastor, Bishop Terence M. Sykes. Great things are happening at Shekijah, affectionately called, "The SPA"! Additionally, we give all glory and honor to God for allowing us to pay off the entire facility in celebration of our 30th Church Anniversary in May 2017. To God be all the glory!!!

The above video is a compilation of photos, videos, and narrations that cover the ministry of Shekijah Preparation Assembly from its conception on May 31, 1987 to the present. There will be plenty of informative items of interest that will allow you to know, much clearer, what Shekijah is all about. Therefore, be blessed as this anointed video takes you into the wonderful world of Shekijah... where God dwells!


We believe…

…in God, the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. 

We believe…

…that this same Jesus also descended into hell and, on the third day, God raised Jesus from the dead with all power in His hands and has been given a Name which is above every name.

We believe…

…that Jesus then ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence, He ever liveth to make intercession for the Saints and at the time appointed by the Father, He shall come again to judge the quick and the dead.

We believe…

…in the Holy Ghost, who is our Teacher, our Keeper, and our Comforter; the holy church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and life eternal.

Our Mission

"To know God... and to make Him known!"

Information about the Ministry of Shekijah
Information about the Ministry of Shekijah Preparation Assembly

Bishop Terence & Co-Pastor Shereé Sykes have been duly dubbed, "God's dynamic duo". They minister, whether in the preached/taught Word or in song, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They love the Lord and make every effort to live according to God's Word.

In addition to their love for one another, and for God, Bishop and Co-Pastor Sykes love their family and their church, as well as the great organization that they are a part of; the Mt. Calvary Holy Church of America, Inc., headquartered in Washington, DC.

Determined to do the will of God, these two vessels of honor continue to seek the face of God and as a result, God extends to them His hand. 

Anyone desiring to invite either or both of these powerful individuals to speak, sing, and/or teach, at your next event, service, conferences, convocation, ocassion, please click the link below.

The Shekijah Crest was designed by our Bishop and has very specific significance. Here are just a few: There are four distinct icons placed around the center cross that is in the middle of a golden shield.

The "DOVE" represents the Holy Spirit who has ordained the Ministry of Shekijah and governs its very existence and operation.

The "FLAME OF FIRE" represents the Anointing that comes from the Holy Spirit's presence. The Anointing destroys yokes of bondage, as recorded in Isaiah 10:27 "...and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing."

The "OPEN BIBLE" represents God's Holy Word for which the Ministry of Shekijah embraces and adheres to.

And the "KEYBOARD" is representative of the anointed music of praise & worship that emanates from within the walls of the sanctuary.

Vision & Mission Statements





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Sunday Morning Worship

@ 11:00 am

Wednesday Early Morning Prayer

6:00 am

Wednesday Evening "ReCharge"

(Bible Study)

7:00 pm

104 Fleetwood Dr.

Lynchburg, VA 24501

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(434) 771-2037

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(434) 237-7721

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